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Learn about Digital Asset Funds, Genesis Pools, Staking, and how to set up a crypto wallet.


Owl offers one-click Diversified Digital Asset Funds. Each Fund aims to achieve desired investment results by investing in a diversified basket of digital asset tokens, based upon a strict investment thesis. Each Owl.Investment fund is a dual asset represented by an Owl NFT with its own unique value that trades on the open market, as well as the ownership right to (1) unit of the correlated investment fund. Explore our funds and start building your digital asset portfolio today .


How Do I invest in Digital Asset Funds?

The only way to invest in any Owl Digital Asset Fund is by purchasing a Owl NFT that represents ownership in the underlying fund. Owl NFT's can be bought 24/7 on SolSea.

How Much Of My Original Investment Goes Into The Fund?

100% of all Genesis Pool Funds get invested into the correlated investment fund. 

How Do I Cash In My Owl NFT?

Owl NFT'S can be bought and sold on the open market 24/7. Owl NFT's can be redeemed for the full Net Asset Value (NAV) of the correlated Digital Asset Fund. NAVs are calculated 24/7.

What Are The Fees Associated With S.F Funds?

Digital Asset Investment Funds only  have a 1% annual management fee on fund AUM. 

How Is The Underlying Value of Owl NFT's Calculated?

The underlying value of Owl NFTs is directly correlated to the Net Asset Value of the Digital Asset Fund it represents ownership in.  

How Do Digital Asset Investment Funds Get Created?

Digital Asset Funds are created by the Investment Analyst DAO. The IA-DAO consists of (5) IA's that research and create investment proposals for new Investment Funds. For a new fund proposal to become reality the IA-DAO has to reach consensus vote. 



Digital Asset Funds

Is a crypto currency investment fund that creates its genesis investment pool by selling NFT's on the open market. 100% of the NFT proceeds go into creating the crypto investment fund. The value of each NFT is directly linked to the net asset value (NAV) of the correlating Digital Asset Fund.


NFT (non-fungible token): a digital certificate of authenticity used to assign and verify ownership of a unique digital or physical asset. Unlike fungible tokens, NFTs are not interchangeable with one another.

Initial-NFT-Offering (INFTO)

INFTO's are original mintings of Owl.Investment NFT's on an open marketplace. Owl NFT's represent 1 ownership right in the underlying Digital Asset Fund. The proceeds from the INFTO go directly into the funding of the correlated fund.

Investment Drop (I-Drop)

Date and time of a new Digital Asset Fund.

NFT Minting

When a new NFT gets purchased or transferred to a crypto wallet and it gets coded ("minted") to the connected blockchain.

Genesis Price

The original price of each Digital Asset Fund NFT.

Genesis Pools

Genesis Pools are the original pool of proceeds from the correlated Digital Asset Fund NFT sale. All proceeds are collected in a genesis pool and then invested in the designated Investment Fund.

Staking Rewards

Staking Rewards are the incentives given to network transaction validators of a Blockchain network. Network validators "Stake" the native crypto currency of the underlying network in order to support the functions of the network. 

Staking Crypto

Crypto staking is the process of locking up crypto holdings in order to obtain rewards or earn interest. Cryptocurrencies are built with blockchain technology, in which crypto transactions are verified, and the resulting data is stored on the blockchain.

Admin Fee

All Digital Asset Funds have a 1% built in Admin fee that is calculated annually based on AUM of the correlated investment fund. Admin fees are used to support the network and active management of each fund. 

Crypto Wallet

A crypto wallet is a free digital wallet that allows users to store and transfer their cryptocurrencies. Digital wallets represent your digital identity in order to interact with Web3 and decentralized applications. Crypto wallets also store all secret keys used to digitally sign transactions for blockchain distributed ledgers. 

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staking rewards
crypto wallet
admin fee
To learn more about Crypto currency, Blockchain, and Distributed Ledger technology. Check out these great learning resources.
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